When you’re booked in a room and don’t know your teammates
By Leslie Kell
So, you’ve been booked in a room with people you don’t know, and you may be wondering, “how does this happen?” The reason is that lot of escape rooms have what we call an ‘open booking system.’ This means that if you don’t book all of the slots in the room, there is a chance you could be booked in an escape room with someone you don’t know. Now, we know what you’re thinking: “it sounds like an awkward situation waiting to happen…being locked in a room with people you don’t know.” We have some solutions for you to help you handle that exact situation.
First of all, escape rooms require some level of open mindedness; you will be putting things together and using logic that in most scenarios wouldn’t make sense, as they would in an escape room. That being said, it helps to go into the situation of not knowing your teammates in the escape room, with an open mind and some optimism! Who knows? You may actually enjoy the time, and maybe make a new friend, at least for that hour.
Another great thought to keep in mind when in a room with someone you don’t know is that you are more likely to listen to that person(s) because you don’t know them. It seems that when family members or close friends get together and play the room, they tend to interrupt each other more, just because of the level of comfort. Listening and communicating are crucial when it comes to solving puzzles in the escape room, so being in there with someone you don’t know as well, could actually help you to win the game. Having someone you don’t know in the room with you also means that there is another perspective on the puzzles that you may not have thought of.
The point is, when you’re in a room with someone you don’t know, it’s just another opportunity to have a good time! Many of our cluemasters have witnessed this instance, and in most of the cases the groups leave the room with smiles on their faces, ready for to book another room! If you find yourself in an escape room with someone you don’t know go in with a winning attitude, the willingness to make a new friend for the hour, an expectation of a good time, and that’s exactly what you’ll get out of the experience! Book your room today and get ready for the adventure that awaits!
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