Hint #1
You will have 2 blue menus out on the table. You will use these later. Begin the blue puzzle path by finding the hidden LOCKO clue.
Keep scrolling for hint #2 …
Hint #2
Decipher the LOCKO clue by separating out each individual word. Example: LOCK ORDER…
Keep scrolling for hint #3 …
Hint #3
Now, you have to get the small puzzle box open to get the next clue.
The LOCKO clue tells you that the numbers on the cipher are actually pages, lines and letters.
Keep scrolling for hint #4 …
Hint #4
Use the cipher on the Menu to solve the final order for the bottle lock. Example:
2 = Page 2 = back of menu
15 = Line 15 = Southern charm chicken wings.
21 = Letter = W
Keep scrolling for THE SOLUTION TO THE PUZZLE …
The answer to the Blue Puzzle is: White, Red, Green